Central Coast Birth & Wellness
Provider and Resource Directory
Directory Walkthrough Tour Video
services or support in the stages to encourage healthy starts to individual stability and growth as well as family planning
Professionals and providers who support people, their partners and/or caregivers during gestation and preparing for postpartum
services or support for parents, caregivers and/or infants during the 0-12 Month stage with some specializing in recovery, healing, healthy lifestyles in antepartum
This Directory was made possible by
Nicolette Hausman
This culmination was part of her full-year Internship with CCCN and was completed as her Senior Project in Public Heath at CAL POLY in 2022.
Susannah Brown, M.S.
After researching birth and maternal health trends for years, this project became her vision to allow needed resources to be more equitable and accessible to the local community, and to partner with students to bring awareness to gaps and opportunities
Ashley Vu- Cal Poly, Julianna La Coco- St. Mary's College, Dominique Tzou- UC Berkley, Morgan Jamati- Cal Poly and USD
Thank you to the CCCN Professional to Community Program, and Internship Program for your dedication in making this directory possible.
This Directory is provided to the Central Coast Community as an informational tool to find providers and professionals in the desired location and of relevance to the individual. This directory does not constitute medical advice nor should it be used as a recommendation for treatment or care. Please contact your medical team for recommendations of treatment or care.
If you need Emergency care, dial 911