November is the month to recognize National Diabetes Month. Nutrition plays an important role before, during, and after pregnancy. Gestational Diabetes can affect your plan of care. It is always important to talk to a medical provider to diagnose and treat health related conditions. Gestational diabetes (GD) is a condition when excess glucose, or sugar, stays in the blood stream instead of being used by the body for energy and functioning. This can lead to a variety of health concerns for an individual and can affect pregnant women in a multitude of ways. To learn more about GD, visit the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists.
For those experiencing GD or want resources and support, we invite you to check out local providers who offer nutrition support in our CCCN Member directory.
#CCCNMember, Pregnant and Hungry, offers nutritional support during pregnancy. They are a subscription-based website featuring simple, pregnancy-safe recipes for the modern mama-to-be.
“We're the only searchable collection of pregnancy-friendly recipes on the internet, every wholesome recipe is developed by women, for women. Eating for two? We got you.”

November as National Adoption Awareness month. It is a time to celebrate families who have gone through the adoption process and to also recognize children who have been adopted themselves. The CCCN recognizes and honors families that have experienced adoption worldwide. It also allows for others to learn more about adoption and to spread awareness.
The CCCN also invites you to read one of our members, Michelle Graham book as she beautifully writes about her experiences with adoption.
“From tragedy to triumph, witness one birth mom’s unselfish love and her heartbreak in giving up her daughter for adoption. A lifetime of faith and strength along a broken road led to the beauty of an unimaginable reunion and New Joy!” Michelle Graham, Author.
To learn more about Michelle Graham and her story visit Michelle’s website here.

We want to take the time to recognize November 17th as International Prematurity Day. This global movement raises awareness of premature birth, as well as the impact it can have on families. According to March of Dimes, the United States has one of the highest preterm birth rates among developed nations and this rate continues to rise. In California, 1 in 11 babies in 2019 were born preterm (March of Dimes).
We invite you to check out the March of Dimes website to learn more about their mission of fighting for the health and well-being of mothers and babies. Here you can find additional resources and online support communities if you or someone you know is going through hard times or wants more information.
We also want to take this time to help honor and celebrate NICU families globally. The NICU is the neonatal intensive care unit which provides 24/7 support for premature or sick babies. We want to thank our NICU nurses and staff at our local hospitals: French Hospital, Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center, Marian Regional Medical Center, Lompoc Valley Medical Center, and Cottage Hospital.
Acknowledging this time can be hard, but the CCCN wants to remind you that you are not alone. Check out the CCCN low cost/free local resources to find pregnancy and support groups/programs and/or the CCCN web resources also provide additional emotional/mental support groups and other resources.

November 20th recognizes International Children’s Day which “promotes international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children’s welfare” (United Nations- World Children’s Day).
We invite you to check out the United Nations- World Children’s Day website to learn more information and how you can get involved.
Learn more about your child's development with local resources such as, Help Me Grow in San Luis Obispo. "Help Me Grow is a county-wide system that supports children and their families by providing free developmental screenings and linkage to services that promote optimal growth."-https://slohelpmegrow.org

November 25th recognizes the elimination of violence against women. This is an opportunity to highlight domestic violence, or intimate partner violence before, during, and after pregnancy.
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, “In the United States, women experience 4.8 million incidents of physical or sexual assault annually.”
If you find yourself, or a loved one is in a violent relationship, please know that you are not alone. Check out the CCCN low cost/free local resources to find domestic violence support and resources. Local organizations, Stand Strong and Domestic Violence Solutions, provide safety, shelter, and support for those who need it. Please dial 9-1-1 in an Emergency and speak with your care provider. (Photo credit: https://www.wsav.com/crime-safety/domestic-violence-donation-drive/)
Click here to learn more about intimate partner violence, what it looks like, and first steps.
Do you know of any other important Awareness days or months for November? Please share in the comments.
Authored in collaboration with:
Morgan Jamati, CCCN Intern
Zabrina Cox, CtP Program Director
Disclaimer: The opinions or beliefs expressed by various authors on this blog do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs, and viewpoints of Central Coast Childbirth Network, INC. Central Coast Childbirth Network, INC does not offer medical advice. The content on this blog is for informational purposes only. The author's opinions are based upon information they consider reliable; thus, Central Coast Childbirth Network warrants its completeness or accuracy and should not be relied upon as such.