The Central Coast Childbirth Network Board of Directors has been actively trying to grow the Board and to fill the Vice President vacancy. In 2020, Board of Director Susannah Brown was able to take on the role of Interim Vice-President as the careful search for the new Directors began. It has been especially important to find the right individuals with skills in fundraising and non-profit expertise. Today, the CCCN is excited to announce the appointment of two highly skilled Directors making 6 in total.
The Vice-President role is still to be determined, and an essential step forward is to bring on board these new individuals. We are happy to introduce our new Directors Cheryl Wakefield and Michelle Graham, to the Board. They will both serve as Board of Directors through March 2022.

Cheryl Wakefield is a heart-forward community builder, always looking to better the world around her. With two teenagers of her own, Cheryl focused her last 18 years on raising them singlehandedly while creating a hospitality career in San Luis Obispo. With a natural love for people-pleasing, creating and hosting events for the non-profits and corporations, large and small, came easily, yet she always felt it lacking. Getting a chance to reevaluate, Cheryl took to her true passion, opening Waking Fields – Spirit, Yoga and Wellness.
Cheryl dedicates herself to empowering others to find balance in their lives. She's focused on Gentle, Restorative, Prenatal and Baby & Me Yoga. In 2021, she will become a birthing Doula as well. Cheryl was lucky to have her own Doula for her second child 15 years ago. She made becoming a doula her next steps when realizing San Luis Obispo only has one hospital willing to support a women's choice in a VBAC birth. She wants to encourage the voice of the parent and find ways to support healthy birthing rights for all. Living by the motto, Service Above Self, Cheryl is inspired to find ways to better the community at large. She is a 7-year board member and future President of Rotary De Tolosa, a founding member of SLO U40, a non-profit political education group, and has sat on many chamber committees throughout the San Luis Obispo County.
Preparing for an upcoming board meeting, Cheryl expresses gratitude for the upcoming position, "I am proud and honored to serve on the Board of CCCN.

Michelle Lee Graham is a dynamic and inspirational mother, bestselling author, trainer and leader. Her vulnerability, honesty and authenticity help deliver a multifaceted motivational message. As the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for more than a decade, Michelle has built a successful career as an empathetic leader with a high emotional intelligence. Her professionalism and integrity have helped build a successful organization; navigating her team through significant restructure, growth, and ongoing success.
"We are leading our second year as a non-profit with a strong and growing board which is key to advancing our mission and vision here at CCCN," said Zabrina Cox, President/CEO. "I am confident in Cheryl and Michelle's backgrounds and services and that they can strengthen our organization community outreach to make a positive impact for CCCN Members, parents, and families on the Central Coast while ensuring the financial health of our non-profit."
About Central Coast Childbirth Network, INC
Our mission is to provide a diverse network of birth and wellness professionals who are committed to inform, educate and advocate for the individual needs of Central Coast families from preconception through the first year of parenting.
For more information, visit: https://www.centralcoastchildbirthnetwork.com
To learn more about the CCCN Board of Directors, visit: https://www.centralcoastchildbirthnetwork.com/cccn-board-of-directors