CW: Bereavement, Pregnancy and Infant Loss
October is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness month. If you, a loved one, friend, client, or patient, have experienced or knows someone who has experienced pregnancy or infant loss, we see you. I am sorry. You are not alone.
It can be common for birth and wellness professionals to feel unprepared to support bereaved parents and families through the emotional and physical pain and grief of a loss or multiple losses without prior education and training. Throughout the month of October, CCCN is highlighting resources and support for birth and wellness professionals and families across our social media.
Our recent CCCN Coffee Connection co-host and CtP Program Director Zabrina Cox and CCCN Members spoke with Jennifer Rogez, ACSW, PMH-C & Ashley Daoust, CBD, both local birth and wellness professionals about Bereavement, Pregnancy, and Infant Loss. To learn more, connect with Ashley Daoust & Jennifer Rogez on Instagram!

Here are a few highlights from this month's Coffee Connection from Jennifer Rogez, ACSW & PMH-C.
Grief "describes the response to any type of loss, it's the roller coaster of emotions that we experience, and it's not limited to just feelings of sadness, it can include anger, guilt, yearning, regret... It is a process that can take months or years.”-Jennifer Rogez, ACSW
Bereavement is a type of grief that involves losing a loved one that can depend on our individual cultural backgrounds, beliefs and attitudes towards the loss.
Perinatal Loss is the non voluntary end of a pregnancy from conception to during pregnancy and up to 28 days of a newborn's life.
Affects 2 million people a year and includes miscarriages, terminations, ectopic pregnancies, molar pregnancies or stillbirth.
A stillbirth occurs every 21 minutes in the United States, or 70 stillbirths a day. Ten to twenty-five percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. There may even be a higher prevalence of loss, which often goes unreported due to stigma or just dealing with it.
Bereaved parents are are at highest risk within six months after the loss to experience PMAD’s (Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders).
Ashley Daoust, CBD and CCCN Member describes Bereavement doula support for families. Bereavement Doula services are available locally. Support generally can include:
emotional, physical and informational support
prenatal or postpartum visit
labor support
unlimited phone, text, email
access to resources
memory keepsakes such as offering bereavement box

partner, sibling, family support
support through lactation preferences
If you are interested in Bereavement Doula training or additional resources from trained or certified bereavement doulas visit The Central Coast welcomes recently Certified Stillbirthday Doula Dena Marie.
Bereavement box (Image provided by Ashley Daoust, CBD)
Additional Resources mentioned in the Coffee Connection that providers can refer to and share with clients are listed below.
Read our October Awareness Highlight blog post on Bereavement and Pregnant & Infant Loss.
Check out the CCCN Member Provider Directory Bereavement page for additional support.
Community bereavement boxes are available to families or providers by request at no cost. You can reach CCCN Members Alex Porter, Ashley Daoust or Zabrina for more information.
Jennifer Rogez & Megan Richert's website
Hospice SLO- free bereavement counseling for community members
Postpartum Support International- Virtual Support & Groups
Star Legacy Foundation- Bereavement Support Group
Community Stories: Hazel Mae Blog Post
Coffee Connection Highlight Authored by Zabrina Cox, CtP Director and Morgan Jamati, CCCN Intern
Disclaimer: The opinions or beliefs expressed by various authors on this blog do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs, and viewpoints of Central Coast Childbirth Network, INC. Central Coast Childbirth Network, INC does not offer medical advice. The content on this blog is for informational purposes only. The author's opinions are based upon information they consider reliable; thus, Central Coast Childbirth Network warrants its completeness or accuracy and should not be relied upon as such.