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Part 3: My Final Reflection

Written by Morgan Jamati

I cannot even begin to describe how impactful every one of these opportunities have been on my life and my journey within the healthcare field. I want to thank Justine, Dr. Bronstein, Tamra, Jennifer, and Mckyala and Brittany for offering up their time to allow me to come and learn. These experiences have allowed me to observe a variety of settings that provide pregnancy and postpartum support, as well as women’s health and well-being. Although I was aware of the variety of professions that I could pursue related to women’s health and childbirth education, these experiences have made me excited to potentially gain experience in multiple women’s health professions in my lifetime. It was not until I gained this experience both with the CCCN and local clinics that I was better able to understand how big this field of study truly is. It makes me more excited to see where I can go within my career, and one day, I hope I can make as big of an impact as the amazing individuals that I have been able to shadow.

As I wrap up, I also want to thank California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo and the Child Development/Psychology department for helping me find this internship with the CCCN and for assisting me through this process. Cal Poly’s Learn by Doing motto allows me to gain experience in the field outside of lecture-based classes. I also want to say a big thank you to both Zabrina Cox (CCCN President/CEO) and Susannah Brown (Treasurer/CFO, Secretary) for believing in me, supporting me, and helping me navigate my internship work and shadowing experiences each week. I am also lucky enough to work alongside another CCCN intern, Megan Fisher, who also studies Child Development and Psychology at Cal Poly. I am excited to continue learning and growing as a student, community member, and individual and I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for me. Also, I am thrilled to announce that I will be continuing as an intern this upcoming Winter quarter. (Photo credit:

Thank you to those who took the time to listen to my story and the experiences that I have had so far with the CCCN. If you haven't already, I invite you to check out "Part 1: Who Am I?" and "Part 2: My Shadowing Experiences" to get a better understanding of who I am and my goals for the future.

Lastly, for those that want to learn more or need support, I invite you to check out our website. Thank you.


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